Mug2zero uses innovative technology to control the rate at which hot drinks cool down. The same mug can keep a drink hot for hours, or cool it down in minutes. So it works for everybody, every time.


Mug2zero’s innovative technology allows users to control the rate at which their hot drink cools down.

Why is that important?

Hot drinks are made at different temperatures. For example, boiling water from a kettle is at approx. 100°C, and most coffee shops will serve drinks from their machines at around 85°C.

The time before you want to drink a beverage is going to vary. You might want to start a drink soon after you begin a journey. Or you might want to take it with you to drink in a couple of hours.


Works for Everybody, Every Time
Cool your drink, to your preferred temperature, just when you want it.

No Pre-treatment Required
You do not need to cool it down before use, nor look silly asking the barista in the coffee shop to swirl hot water around your mug for 30 seconds to pre-warm it for you.

Easy and Hygienic Cleaning

Mug2zero has a single drink chamber, allowing easy and hygienic cleaning. And meaning that if you buy a cappuccino, it remains a cappuccino!

Infinitely reusable and Environmentally Friendly
There are no electronic components that might fail, batteries or other power sources that need to be replaced or recharged, or obscure chemicals within the mug.


Physics. Specifically, with a Controlled Convection Loop.

The mug wall contains inner and outer water chambers, separated by a thermally insulating layer. The inner water chamber is adjacent to the drink chamber.

When the valve is closed, water in the inner water chamber is heated up, but remains next to the drink.

When the valve is opened, that hot water flows away from the drink, and is replaced by cold water, which quickly cools the drink down.

Once you are happy with the temperature, close the valve to keep it just right.

Patent Pending: GB2107456.2


Mug2Zero technology isn't just convenient, it can help keep our loved ones safe too.

The RAC recommends that if you do feel tired while driving, you should stop for a drink that contains caffeine or sugar to give you a boost or take a rest until you feel more awake.

Source: RAC

Such advice is not simply common sense, it is backed up by scientific research.
A case-control study of long-distance commercial drivers across the Australian states of NSW and WA between December 2008 and May 2011 concluded that drivers who consumed caffeinated substances for the express purpose of staying awake had a 63% reduced likelihood of crashing compared with drivers who did not take caffeinated substances (odds ratio 0.37, 95% confidence interval 0.27 to 0.50).

Source: BMJ

However, even if you have a travel mug of hot coffee with you, what are the chances of it actually being at the right drinking temperature when you want to pull over?

And taking the lid off the mug whilst you are driving to get it to cool down a bit quicker clearly would not be a good idea!

Mug2zero solves the problem – by allowing you to keep the drink hot for long periods, but also allowing you to cool it quickly, and safely, to the right temperature just when you need it.

Burns specialists at Queen Victoria Hospital are warning about the danger of hot drinks around children and older people.

The hospital’s experts want to remind people of the importance of prevention and also effective first aid if you are first at the scene.

They have supported the UK-wide SafeTea campaign and are calling on adults to be aware of the potential danger hot drinks pose.

Queen Victoria Hospital has seen a year-on-year increase in referrals to its paediatric burns unit. Between April 2018 and April 2019, 479 children were treated for scalds, the majority of which happened in the child’s own home.

Tea and coffee scalds were the main cause.

National research shows more than 50,000 children attend healthcare settings with burns each year, with a peak age for infants and toddlers being between 8 and 18 months old.

The hospital has also seen an increase in tea and coffee scalds sustained by people aged over 65. In the same period, 30 per cent of the burns it assessed were as a result of tea and coffee.

Source: NHS

Mug2zero solves the problem – by allowing you to quickly bring the temperature of hot drinks down to safer temperatures, and then keep them there.

And of course, as mug2zero allows you to cool drinks with the lid safely in place, this further reduces the chances of potentially disastrous spills.

Ever wanted to buy your child a hot chocolate or other hot drink as a treat, but been concerned that they will scald themselves on it?

Or alternatively not be able to drink it until after you have got back home later on, which will kind of miss the point?

Yep, us too.

And with burns and scalds being the fifth most common cause of non-fatal childhood injuries, there can unfortunately be genuine reason for concern.


Mug2zero solves the problem – by allowing you to cool the drink quickly to the right temperature just after it has been purchased.

Without pouring cold water (literally) over all the cream and marshmallows!

Then simply pop the mug back into insulating mode so they can safely enjoy the drink at their leisure with you.

Ever nearly knocked a drink over a computer, or any other expensive device or precious item?

If so, you might have considered purchasing a mug with a lid (likely a travel mug) to reduce spills, and possibly even one with a feature that makes it harder to knock over.

But then, unless you take off the lid (and up the risk!) your drink might take a very long time to cool.

Mug2zero solves the problem – by allowing you to cool the drink quickly to the right temperature whilst it’s still safely sealed in the mug. So even if the worst happens, and your mug is knocked over, complete disaster is averted!


Mug2zero technology isn’t just convenient, it can help keep our planet safe too.

Approximately 500 billion disposable coffee cups are still discarded globally each year – 58 billion in the US, and 2.5 billion in the UK alone.

And a 2017 report from the UK’s House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that only one in 400 cups in the UK ends up being recycled, with the vast majority going straight to landfill.

This suggests that coffee cups that end up in the UK’s landfill sites produce an annual carbon footprint equivalent to over 152,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, similar to what 33,300 cars produce in a year.

SOURCES: The Eco GuideThe Guardian


Well, the performance of many existing travel mugs is limited. Many are designed to keep drinks warm for extended periods.

So, if you are buying a drink and want to consume it quickly, having it dispensed into your super insulated mug simply prevents that from happening.

Hence even when people have a reusable mug available, they might choose not to use it.

Of course, people could buy and carry around a wide selection of mugs with different insulating characteristics.
But, who would really do that? And even if people wanted to, well, we would be producing a lot more mugs for them to carry around, wouldn’t we?

Mug2zero solves the problem, by using innovative technology which controls the rate at which hot drinks cool down. So the same mug works for everybody, every time.


mug2zero® products are currently only available through selected distributors.

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